國立中山大學 112學年度第2學期 課程教學大綱

National Sun Yat-sen University 112Academic year Course syllabus

Course name(Chinese)


Course Code


Course name(English)


Type of the course











         同步遠距【透過網路直播技術,同時進行線上教學,得採Microsoft Teams、Adobe connect等軟體進行】
同步遠距含錄影【透過網路直播技術,同時進行線上教學並同時錄影,課程內容可擇日再重播,得採Microsoft Teams、Adobe connect等軟體進行】




課程大綱 Course syllabus

         本課程教學大綱已提供完整英文資訊(本選項僅供統計使用,未提供完整英文資訊者,得免勾記)【Provide information of course syllabus in English.(This is for statistical use only. For those who do not provide information of course syllabus in English, do not check this field.)】

「身為消費者,怎能不瞭解消費者心理與行為~~想要聰明消費嗎? 行銷策略背後如何運用消費心理?」
As a consumer, do you really understand consumer psychology and behavior? Do you want to engage in smart consumption? How can you use consumer psychology to create marketing strategies?
Marketing communication strategies begin and end with the consumer, that is, from identifying consumers’ wants and needs to delivering customer satisfaction. The plan and effects of all marketing strategies, including market segmentation strategy, positioning strategy, and marketing mix (4P), are based on a correct understanding and interpretation of consumer psychology and behavior. Accordingly, this course will cover a number of topics and areas that are essential for those seeking to understand and influence consumer psychology and behavior. Although theoretical concepts play an important role in this course, the focus of the material covered in class will mainly be on its pragmatic implications for marketing practice, and, in particular, the formulation and implementation of marketing communication strategies.

課程目標 Objectives

(1) 透過最新消費者心理與行為相關主題之期刊論文 (Journal of Consumer Research) 的閱讀與討論,瞭解此領域最近熱門的理論與關注的焦點,並藉由課堂討論,思考理論的應用(甚至跨領域延伸) 與可能意涵。
(2) 透過期刊論文的閱讀與討論,熟悉常用的消費者心理與行為研究方法,尤著重量化方法。
(3) 藉由重點摘要報告,得知消心經典理論、學界最近應用的理論、討論的熱門概念/構念 (變數),如何操弄與衡量,以供未來研究之參考。
(4) 實際運用相關理論,構思可行的未來研究方向,並提出初步的研究計畫。

The following are the four objectives of the course:
(1) Developing an understanding of the basic knowledge and concepts of consumer psychology and behavior, and using these concepts in daily life
(2) Understanding the popular theories and topics discussed in the field of consumer psychology and behavior through the reading and discussion of the latest journal articles; analyzing the possible application and implications of the theories through classroom discussion
(3) Identifying the hot concepts/constructs currently being discussed by the academic community and learning how to conduct consumer behavior research; there will be a special focus on the discussion of experimental methods
(4) Applying related theories and concepts/constructs to develop feasible future research and propose preliminary research plans
*Core purpose: This course is designed to help graduate students find interesting theories, variables, and research topics; identify research gaps and develop feasible research; and think about cross-domain theoretical applications.

授課方式 Teaching methods

         本課程進行方式主要由 (1) 教師講授、分析、(2) 小組報告與討論、(3) 個人重點摘要報告所構成。每週會有1篇指定的期刊論文,指定的期刊論文由小組同學負責上台報告,並針對該論文中的核心理論,搜尋另外2篇同樣應用該理論的學術論文,補充額外資料,至於其他同學則需撰寫paper評論單或課後心得報告,思考可能的理論應用。個人重點摘要報告的部份,每週由2位同學負責,將指定中文期刊論文中的重點摘要分享,以迅速幫助修課同學認識更多消費者相關理論與重要變數。
The course is mainly composed of: (1) teacher’s lectures and analysis; (2) group report and discussions; and (3) personal summary reports. The basic knowledge covered in this course will be conveyed through lectures by the instructor; it will provide students the foundation to engage in consumer research and related marketing practices. The readings from the assigned academic papers will also form the background for discussions in class. One journal paper will be assigned every week; a group of students needs to make a detailed presentation of the assigned paper and, to provide more information, search for 2-3 academic papers that apply the core theory of the assigned paper. Other students are required to write a paper review sheet that proposes relevant research questions and considers possible theoretical applications. The report group needs to initiate discussions and answer questions posed by other students and the instructor. As to the personal summary report, two students take responsibility each week. They should share the summary of the key points from the Chinese journal articles, thereby helping the classmates to understand better consumer-related theories and important variables.
The final report (term paper) requires the use of the theory taught in the course to write a research proposal.

評分方式﹝評分標準及比例﹞Evaluation (Criteria and ratio)等第制單科成績對照表 letter grading reference


參考書/教科書/閱讀文獻 Reference book/ textbook/ documents
No copies for intellectual property rights. Textbooks provided by the instructor used only for self-study, can not broadcast or commercial use

         鄭毓煌、蘇丹 (2022),理性的非理性:10個行為經濟學關鍵字,工作、戀愛、投資、人生難題最明智的建議,先覺
(subject to change)
1. 林建煌 (2022),消費者行為 (7版),華泰。
2. 松井 剛、西川 英彦 (2021),從零開始讀懂消費者行為:一本掌握顧客心理、購買決策與消費動機的基礎,商周。
3. 阿部誠 (2022),秒懂行為經濟學:從人性下手,掌握非理性消費,行銷無往不利!本事出版社
4. 曾光華 (2021),消費者行為:洞察生活、掌握行銷,前程文化
5. 簡明輝 (2023),消費者行為 (4版),新文京
6. Solomon, M. R. (2020). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (13版). 華泰。
7. Mothersbaugh, Hawkins, & Kleiser (2020), Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy (14版). 華泰文化
8. Hoyer, W. D., Macinnis, D. J. and Pieters, R. (2012), Consumer Behavior, Baker & Tayl, U.S.A.
9. Mcdonald, M. and Ponting, J. (2013), Social Psychology and Theories of Consumer Culture, Routledge, U.S.A.
10. Belk, R. W., Askegaard, S., and Scott, L. (2012), Research in Consumer Behavior, Baker & Tayl, U.S.A.
11. Jansson-boyd, C. (2010), Consumer Psychology, Baker & Tayl, U.S.A.
12. Underhill, Paco (2000), Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, Simon & Schuster, U.S.A.
13. 白滌清 (2012),消費者行為,華泰。
期刊文章出處: 臺大管理論叢、管理學報、管理評論、中山管理評論、管理與系統、Journal of Consumer Research、Journal of Consumer Psychology、Psychology & Marketing 等頂尖國內外期刊。

彈性暨自主學習規劃 Alternative learning periods

Is any alternative learning periods planned for this course (with each credit corresponding to two hours of activity)?
No:The instructor will include an 18-week course plan in the weekly scheduled progress (each credit corresponds to 18 hours of instruction)
Yes:The instructor will include a 16-week course plan in the weekly scheduled progress (each credit corresponds to 16 hours of instruction);
the details of the planned alternative learning periods are provided below (each credit corresponds to two hours of activity).

Alternative learning periods planned for the course (each credit corresponds to two hours of activity):
Alternative learning periods
Place a check in the appropriate box or provide details
Number of hours
Group work and discussion
Participation in course-related assignments, work, or experiments
Participation in on- or off-campus activities (e.g., seminars, workshops, and visits) or competitions
Extracurricular reading
Learning with online digital learning materials
Other (please provide details)

每週課程內容及預計進度 Weekly scheduled progress

WeekDateContent and topic
12024/02/18~2024/02/24課程介紹 (subject to change; 每週指定之paper待上課時宣佈)
52024/03/17~2024/03/23(老師出國參加研討會) (與期中考週調換)
72024/03/31~2024/04/06反享樂消費How Resource Scarcity Influences the Preference for Counterhedonic Consumption
82024/04/07~2024/04/13眼神凝視How the eyes connect to the heart: The influence of eye gaze direction on advertising effectiveness
92024/04/14~2024/04/20品牌名稱中的尺寸線索 Sizes are gendered: The effect of size cues in brand names on brand stereotyping
102024/04/21~2024/04/27藝術與奢華 L’Art Pour l’Art: Experiencing Art Reduces the Desire for Luxury Goods
112024/04/28~2024/05/04科學訴求 Get Your Science Out of Here: When Does Invoking Science in the Marketing of Consumer Products Backfire?
132024/05/12~2024/05/18儲存幸福 Banking Happiness
142024/05/19~2024/05/25消費者詐欺 Your Cheatin'Heart: How Emotional Intelligence and Selfishness Impact the Incidence of Consumer Fraud
172024/06/09~2024/06/15彈性學習 (6/10端午節放假)

課業討論時間 Office hours

         時段1 Time period 1:
時間 Time:星期二10:00-12:00
地點 Office/Laboratory:管4082
時段2 Time period 2:
時間 Time:星期四13:00-15:00
地點 Office/Laboratory:管4082

系所學生專業能力/全校學生基本素養與核心能力 basic disciplines and core capabilitics of the dcpartment and the university

basic disciplines and core capabilities of the department and the university
Class activities and evaluation
本課程欲培養之能力與素養 This course enables students to achieve.
紙筆考試或測驗 Test.課堂討論︵含個案討論︶ Group discussion (case analysis).個人書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Indivisual paper report/ assignment/ work or experiment.
個人書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Indivisual
群組書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Group paper report/ assignment/ work or experiment.
群組書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Group paper rep
個人口頭報告 Indivisual oral presentation.群組口頭報告 Group oral presentation.
課程規劃之校外參訪及實習 Off-campus visit and intership.
課程規劃之校外參訪及實習 Off-campus visit and intership.
證照/檢定 License.參與課程規劃之校內外活動及競賽 Participate in off-campus/ on-campus activities and competitions.課外閱讀 Outside reading.
※系所學生專業能力 Basic disciplines and core capabilities of the department
1具備良好的理解、表達、與溝通能力。 1 With the professional academic knowledge and skills of marketing communication, every students will be equipped with effective analytical and problem-solving ability.V VVV V    
2.具備行銷傳播學業知識與技能,並有效分析與解決問題。 2. Through two professional knowledge programs of digital marketing and social culture marketing, the students can accomplish future development. V  VV      
3.以數位行銷與社會文化行銷之專業成就全方位生涯發展。 3.Developing the most of leadership and team-oriented spirit, our lecture provide internationalisation, digitalisation, and practical skills which are also emphasised on the society.           
4.發揮領導與團隊精神,能與現代社會所強調之「國際化」、「數位化」、「實務化」之專業需求並行。 4. Through two professional knowledge programs of digital marketing and social culture marketing, the students can accomplish future development.           
5.具備專業倫理觀念,明瞭對社會作出貢獻是應負之責任。 5.Developing the most of leadership and team-oriented spirit, our lecture provide internationalisation, digitalisation, and practical skills which are also emphasised on the society.           
※全校學生基本素養與核心能力 Basic disciplines and core capabilities of the university
1.表達與溝通能力。 1. Articulation and communication skillsV  VV V    
2.探究與批判思考能力。 2. Inquisitive and critical thinking abilitiesV  VV      
3.終身學習能力。 3. Lifelong learning           
4.倫理與社會責任。 4. Ethnics and social responsibility           
5.美感品味。 5. Aesthetic appreciation           
6.創造力。 6. Creativity           
7.全球視野。 7. Global perspective           
8.合作與領導能力。 8. Team work and leadership           
9.山海胸襟與自然情懷。 9. Broad-mindedness and the embrace of nature            

本課程與SDGs相關項目:The course relates to SDGs items:

SDG1-消除貧窮(No Poverty)
SDG2-消除飢餓 (Zero Hunger)
SDG3-良好健康與福祉(Good Health and Well-being)
SDG4-教育品質(Quality Education)
SDG5-性別平等(Gender Equality)
SDG6-乾淨水源與公共衛生(Clean Water and Sanitation)
SDG7-可負擔乾淨能源(Affordable and Clean Energy)
SDG8-優質工作與經濟成長(Decent Work and Economic Growth)
SDG9-工業、創新和基礎建設(Industry,Innovation and Infrastructure)
SDG10-減少不平等(Reduced Inequalities)
SDG11-永續城市(Sustainable Cities and Communities)
SDG12-責任消費與生產(Responsible Consumption and Production)
SDG13-氣候行動(Climate Action)
SDG14-海洋生態(Life Below Water)
SDG15-陸域生態(Life on Land)
SDG16-和平、正義和穩健的制度(Peace,Justice And Strong Institutions)
SDG17-促進目標實現的全球夥伴關係(Partnership for the Goals)

本課程校外實習資訊: This course is relevant to internship:

The course includes internship.(For statistical use only. If the course without internship, please ignore this item.)


Internship: The required or elective courses should include credits and learning hours. Students should participate in the corporative company or institution to practice and learn the real skills. An internship certification must be handed in at the end of internship to get the credits or to fulfil the graduation requirements.
