國立中山大學 110學年度第2學期 課程教學大綱

National Sun Yat-sen University 110Academic year Course syllabus

Course name(Chinese)


Course Code


Course name(English)


Type of the course











         同步遠距【透過網路直播技術,同時進行線上教學,得採Microsoft Teams、Adobe connect等軟體進行】
同步遠距含錄影【透過網路直播技術,同時進行線上教學並同時錄影,課程內容可擇日再重播,得採Microsoft Teams、Adobe connect等軟體進行】



1.On-line Class Participation 參與討論出席率(請假依校方規定)15%
2.On-line Group Seminars 1~2 (20%*2) 小組研究討論2次:40%40%
3.On-line Draft of Group Term Report 小組期末報告初稿(期中報告)10%
4.On-line Group Term Report 小組期末報告一篇35%

課程大綱 Course syllabus

         本課程教學大綱已提供完整英文資訊(本選項僅供統計使用,未提供完整英文資訊者,得免勾記)【Provide information of course syllabus in English.(This is for statistical use only. For those who do not provide information of course syllabus in English, do not check this field.)】

This course will provide an overview of the structure and sources of law, and an examination of how the law is interpreted and applied in the context of public affairs management. We will explore the issues through the lens of theory and practice by drawing on a broad array of materials, including scholarship in the fields of law, history, and the social sciences; case law, statutes, and regulations; news and media; and case studies. Students will gain an understanding of the various legal actors -- those who create, influence, interpret, and enforce the law -- and how those actors can support or limit their work as public policy decision-makers. They will also develop concrete skills in research, writing, and strategic and analytical thinking to help them navigate the legal thicket as public managerial professionals.
Major course themes include: (1) the sources of law and legal actors; (2) legal analysis and interpretation for public policy and managerial practice; (3) conflicts between legal precedent and official actions; and (4) navigating the legal frameworks from the government, non-government, nonprofit, and private sectors.
(For the year 2022 some Projects for Research-teams suggested: for laws and their legal risks in public affairs management (PAM) Models of the Internet of Things (IoT), such as Legal topics related with Application of IoT in the Sharing Economy, for instance.)
(二)敬請解釋「經濟關係與法律」(the economic relationship and law)的特點為何?試請舉兩項例證討論。
(一)敬請剖論「資本主義」、自由市場經濟(the free market economy)與近代經濟法的形成之影響。
(二)敬請剖論「資本主義」的擴張過程造就「市場交易自由(Freedom of the Trade)」之後,也扼殺「市場交易自由」。
(三)敬請略述二次大戰後經濟規範體系(the system of economic regulation)的形成;請以財經部會、中央銀行、勞工委員會、公平交易委員會、證管會等等「其中一例」說明。
(關於研究專題在2022年度,有以下的方向建議:『在物聯網(the Internet of Things (IoT))的公共事務管理模式中,對於法律攻防(法律機制的設計)的運用主題』,尤其公務行政電子化,諸如(a) 新創公共事務企業(例如創生計畫)及其風險;(b) 線上會議和決議及其法律風險;(c) 公私部門協作的法律及其風險;(d)建立智慧社區及其風險;(e) 臉部辨識與公安治理協作的運用;(f)公共長照器材的運用;(f)獨居老弱殘障之運送服務的應用;以及(g)其他關於共享經濟之中,運用物聯網(the Internet of Things (IoT))及其法律攻防的相關主題。)

課程目標 Objectives

         The course will be taught in seminar fashion with substantial class discussion. For students, thorough preparation and active class participation and attendance are essential. Assigned and supplementary readings will be augmented by cases and occasional guest lectures. Students will prepare a variety of written assignments, including case analyses and one research team-project dealing with the government, non-government, nonprofit, and private sectors. Research topics will be selected by students with instructor approval. In this course, the learning goals include:
1. To develop an awareness of the range, scope, and complexity of public affairs, and the issues related to managing public affairs change.
2. To understand different approaches to managing innovation on public affairs.
3. To clearly identify drivers and barriers to public affairs management within an organization.
4. To understand what it takes to manage innovation on public affairs.

授課方式 Teaching methods

         ▓ Lecturing (including lectures, operations and seminars). ▓ 講授類 講授、作業練習與討論三者。

評分方式﹝評分標準及比例﹞Evaluation (Criteria and ratio)等第制單科成績對照表 letter grading reference

1.Class Participation 參與討論出席率(請假依校方規定)15%
2.Group Seminars 1~2(20%*2) 小組研究討論2次:40%40%
3.Draft of Group Term Report 小組期末報告初稿(期中報告)10%
4.Group Term Report 小組期末報告一篇35%

參考書/教科書/閱讀文獻 Reference book/ textbook/ documents
No copies for intellectual property rights. Textbooks provided by the instructor used only for self-study, can not broadcast or commercial use

No.AutherTitlePublisherYear of
1McAdams, T., Zucker, K. D., Neslund, K., & Smoker K. (2017),“Law, Business and Society”,McGraw-Hill Education,12th ed., (2017/09/12)USA978-1259721885.
2法治斌.董保城(2021)《憲法新論》【上課必備】元照出版有限公司版次 8;2021/09台北978-9575115968.
3林騰鷂(2020)《行政法總論》三民書局修訂4版; 2020/01/10台北978-9571467535.
7Case-studies Materials (2022)Materials including excerpts from administrative opinions, and actual deal documentation.Journals, news reports and analysis related2022Kaohsiung
8Course Materials(2022)Syllabus & DocumentsCourse references appointedCourse references appointed, 2022Kaohsiung

彈性暨自主學習規劃 Alternative learning periods

Is any alternative learning periods planned for this course (with each credit corresponding to two hours of activity)?
No:The instructor will include an 18-week course plan in the weekly scheduled progress (each credit corresponds to 18 hours of instruction)
    Yes:The instructor will include a 16-week course plan in the weekly scheduled progress (each credit corresponds to 16 hours of instruction);the details of the planned alternative learning periods are provided below (each credit corresponds to two hours of activity).

Alternative learning periods
Place a check in the appropriate box or provide details
Number of hours
Group work and discussion
Participation in course-related assignments, work, or experiments
Participation in on- or off-campus activities (e.g., seminars, workshops, and visits) or competitions
Extracurricular reading
Learning with online digital learning materials
Other (please provide details)

每週課程內容及預計進度 Weekly scheduled progress

WeekDateContent and topic
12022/02/13~2022/02/19Introduction 課程介紹; 1, Introduction to Sources of Law 法律的來源
22022/02/20~2022/02/262-3, Constitutional Interpretation: Close Reading of the Text 憲法的解釋:條文的逐字解讀
32022/02/27~2022/03/052-3, Constitutional Interpretation: Close Reading of the Text 憲法的解釋:條文的逐字解讀
42022/03/06~2022/03/124-5, Legislative Sources, Conflicts in Statutory Interpretation, and the Politics of Resolving Conflicts; Studies in Campaign Finance Reform 立法的來源,法律解釋的衝突與其解決的政治;以財政改善動向為例
52022/03/13~2022/03/194-5, Legislative Sources, Conflicts in Statutory Interpretation, and the Politics of Resolving Conflicts; Studies in Campaign Finance Reform 立法的來源,法律解釋的衝突與其解決的政治;以財政改善動向為例
62022/03/20~2022/03/266, Law, Politics, & Pragmatism: The Case of the Public Exhibition Hall 法律、政治與實用主義:以公共展覽館為例;Group Seminar (GS) 1:小組研究討論1: A PA Managerial Advice口頭報告:『給@@地方首長的一封專業建議:關於***政策爭議』 (作業-第1份:4-5 pages, Times New Roman No.12, Space 1.5, A4 Style.)
72022/03/27~2022/04/027, Executive and Agency Sources of Law 法規命令的行政與授權來源
82022/04/03~2022/04/098, Review 複習; Conflicts Among Sources of Law and Branches of Government: What Takes Legal or Practical Precedence; Unilateral Action by the Executive Branch 法律來源與各級政府的衝突:形成法律上與實務上優先權的因素?;行政單位的片面行動
92022/04/10~2022/04/169, How Should the Interaction of the Private and Not-For-Profit Sectors with Government be Regulated? 私人的與非營利部門與政府的互動應當如何管理?;
102022/04/17~2022/04/2310, Legal Process: Litigation and Administrative Procedures 法律爭訟:訴訟與行政相關程序DRAFT OF GROUP REPORT Due: 繳交團隊專題計畫初稿 (4-5 pages, Times New Roman No.12, Space 1.5, A4 Style.)
112022/04/24~2022/04/30期中報告:專題計畫初稿的口頭報告;Draft of Group Term Report Due 小組期末報告初稿 (All groups, 15-minute oral presentation, with power-points 12-15 pages)*
122022/05/01~2022/05/0711, Not-For-Profit Advocacy (1): How do you Choose your Forum (or does it Choose you?) 非營利部門倡導(1):你如何選擇平台(或平台選擇你)?
132022/05/08~2022/05/1412-13, Not-for-Profit Advocacy (2): Competing Strategies for Success in a Legal/Litigation Context 非營利部門倡導(2):在法務/訟爭的脈絡中成功的競爭策略; Group Seminar (GS) 2:小組研究討論2: Present your ethics discussion口頭報告:『我對於公共事務管理之倫理的評價:關於***政策爭議』(作業-第2份:4-5 pages, Times New Roman No.12, Space 1.5, A4 Style.)
142022/05/15~2022/05/2113, (cont.) Not-for-Profit Advocacy (3) and Government Policy in a Global Context: International Law, Comparative Law, and Taiwan Reliance on Foreign Law/Practice(續)非營利部門倡導(3)與全球脈絡中的政府政策:國際法、比較法與台灣對外法務 /實務的依賴關係
152022/05/22~2022/05/2814, (Interspersed) International Law (cont.) and Not-For- Profit and For-Profit Provision of Direct Services (衍論)國際法(續)與「非營利和營利直接服務的相關規定」
162022/05/29~2022/06/04Presentation of group projects期末報告與答辯(Q&A/自評/他評):1
172022/06/05~2022/06/11Presentation of group projects期末報告與答辯(Q&A/自評/他評):2
182022/06/12~2022/06/18Review of the Course, Make-up of operations 課程回顧與作業修正

課業討論時間 Office hours

         時段1 Time period 1:
時間 Time:星期一16:00-18:00
地點 Office/Laboratory:CM3032-2
時段2 Time period 2:
時間 Time:星期四08:00-10:00
地點 Office/Laboratory:CM3032-2

系所學生專業能力/全校學生基本素養與核心能力 basic disciplines and core capabilitics of the dcpartment and the university

basic disciplines and core capabilities of the department and the university
Class activities and evaluation
本課程欲培養之能力與素養 This course enables students to achieve.紙筆考試或測驗 Test.課堂討論︵含個案討論︶ Group discussion (case analysis).個人書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Indivisual paper report/ assignment/ work or experiment.群組書面報告、作業、作品、實驗 Group paper report/ assignment/ work or experiment.個人口頭報告 Indivisual oral presentation.群組口頭報告 Group oral presentation.課程規劃之校外參訪及實習 Off-campus visit and intership.證照/檢定 License.參與課程規劃之校內外活動及競賽 Participate in off-campus/ on-campus activities and competitions.課外閱讀 Outside reading.
※系所學生專業能力 Basic disciplines and core capabilities of the department
1.培養對公共事務議題的倫理觀與社會責任實踐 1. Students will be aware of ethical issues in public affairs and able to practice social responsibility.V V V V    
2.良好的溝通及領導能力 2. Students will be able to perform effectively in teamwork and be capable leaders.           
3.批判思考及解決問題之能力 3. Students will be able to think critically.           
4.公共事務管理之專業知識 4. Students will have acquired professional knowledge in public affairs management.V V V V    
5.對國際與兩岸事務及有關趨勢之認識 5. Students will be aware of the current state and trends of international and cross-strait affairs.           
※全校學生基本素養與核心能力 Basic disciplines and core capabilities of the university
1.表達與溝通能力。 1. Articulation and communication skills           
2.探究與批判思考能力。 2. Inquisitive and critical thinking abilitiesV V V V    
3.終身學習能力。 3. Lifelong learning           
4.倫理與社會責任。 4. Ethnics and social responsibility           
5.美感品味。 5. Aesthetic appreciation           
6.創造力。 6. Creativity           
7.全球視野。 7. Global perspective           
8.合作與領導能力。 8. Team work and leadership           
9.山海胸襟與自然情懷。 9. Broad-mindedness and the embrace of nature            

本課程與SDGs相關項目:The course relates to SDGs items:

SDG1-消除貧窮(No Poverty)
SDG2-消除飢餓 (Zero Hunger)
SDG3-良好健康與福祉(Good Health and Well-being)
SDG4-教育品質(Quality Education)
SDG5-性別平等(Gender Equality)
SDG6-乾淨水源與公共衛生(Clean Water and Sanitation)
SDG7-可負擔乾淨能源(Affordable and Clean Energy)
SDG8-優質工作與經濟成長(Decent Work and Economic Growth)
SDG9-工業、創新和基礎建設(Industry,Innovation and Infrastructure)
SDG10-減少不平等(Reduced Inequalities)
SDG11-永續城市(Sustainable Cities and Communities)
SDG12-責任消費與生產(Responsible Consumption and Production)
SDG13-氣候行動(Climate Action)
SDG14-海洋生態(Life Below Water)
SDG15-陸域生態(Life on Land)
SDG16-和平、正義和穩健的制度(Peace,Justice And Strong Institutions)
SDG17-促進目標實現的全球夥伴關係(Partnership for the Goals)

本課程校外實習資訊: This course is relevant to internship:

The course includes internship.(For statistical use only. If the course without internship, please ignore this item.)


Internship: The required or elective courses should include credits and learning hours. Students should participate in the corporative company or institution to practice and learn the real skills. An internship certification must be handed in at the end of internship to get the credits or to fulfil the graduation requirements.
